Tag Archives: japan

Successful NL-Pavilion at Nanotech Expo 2024

Eleven organizations joined the Netherlands Pavilion at the Nanotech Expo in Tokyo 31 January – 2 February 2024. Quantum Delta NL, Holst Centre, MESA+ and companies 1NA, Amsterdam Scientific Instruments, Qblox, Quantware, SCIL Nanoimprint Solutions, Tempress, TeraNova, VSParticle were together … Continue reading

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18-22 March 2024 – Succesfull Deeptech Delegation Japan to the Netherlands

Successful Deeptech Delegation Japan to the Netherlands Semiconductors, Quantum Technology and Photonics 18-22 March 2024 “I could experience firsthand what a strong and inspirational ecosystem the Netherlands has in the deeptech fields of semicon, quantum and photonics.” “The Japanese deeptech … Continue reading

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INVITATION: Siebold – O’Ine Science Lecture 28 September 2023

Siebold – O’Ine Science Lecture Thursday, 28 September 2023  12:00-14:30 Venue: Residence of the Ambassador of the Netherlands 3-6-3 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 To commemorate the 200th anniversary of the arrival of Philipp Franz von Siebold (“Siebold”) in Japan, and … Continue reading

Posted in Agro, Food and Nutrition, Life Sciences & Health, Netherlands Innovation Network Tokyo Activities | Tagged , , , | Comments Off

ANNOUNCEMENT: 19-23 June 2023 Netherlands Deeptech Innovation Mission to Japan on Semiconductors

19-23 June – Deeptech Innovation Mission Semiconductors – the Netherlands & Japan Join us in building long-term bilateral Partnerships to maintain technological leadership Japan is an indispensable player in the global semiconductor market, both in terms of business and research. … Continue reading

Posted in Hightech Systems and Materials, Nanotech, Photonics, Quantum, Semiconductors | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off

16 February – Successful Netherlands Innovation Webinar on Chip-Integration

Successful Netherlands Innovation Webinar HETEROGENEOUS INTEGRATION AND PHOTONIC CHIP INTEGRATION Opportunities for Collaboration We are happy to share that together we almost 100 participants we successfully held our Innovation Webinar on Chip-Integration activities in the Netherlands, last Thursday 16 February. … Continue reading

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世界的DXが進む中、日本もオランダも半導体分野での強い地位を守る必要があります。日蘭協力を促進するため、特にavanced chipdesign, integrated photonics, heterogeneous integrationをテーマとした産学官による半導体使節団が6月19日の週に来日される予定です。 来日に先立って、2月後半と4月前半にそれぞれのテーマについてオランダの現状と来日目的を共有するWebinarを開催します。詳細は随時アップデートしますが、関心のある方はオランダ大使館科学技術部Rob Stroeks(rob @ hollandinnovation.jp)にご連絡ください。 Webinar 1 日時:2月16日 テーマ: Heterogeneous Integration, Photonic Integration 詳細:ここをご参照ください。 Webinar 2 日時:4月前半 テーマ:Chip Design

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NL Pavilion at Nanotech Expo 2023, Seminar and Reception

(English below) 2月1-3日に東京ビッグサイトで開催されますNanoTech Expoにおいて、主に半導体と量子技術に関連する組織が参加するオランダパビリオンを開催いたします。 エキスポ2日目(2月2日)の15時からは、各組織の自己紹介、大使館の今後の関連活躍を紹介、簡単なネットワーキングレセプションを、パビリオン(小間番号1E-26)で開催する予定で、是非立ち寄ってください。 関心のある方はオランダ大使館科学技術部Rob Stroeks(rob @ hollandinnovation.jp)にご連絡ください。 We will be organizing a NL-Pavilion at the Nanotech Expo in Tokyo Big Site 1-3 February 2023. On 2 February 15:00-17:00 we will organize a Netherlands Innovation Seminar with presentations from … Continue reading

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Many interactions at 25 October 2022 Netherlands-Japan Roadshow INNOVATION IN SEMICONDUCTORS

参加者の皆様 このたび、オランダにおける半導体のイノベーションのロードショーへのご参加をいただき、誠にありがとうございました。以下に写真とパワーポイントを追加いたしました。 本イベントへのご質問・ご意見、今後の関連イベントにご興味がある方はRob Stroeksにご連絡ください。 —————– Let’s meet!ご存じですか?オランダのセミコン業界は200社、約3兆円の売上、4万人の雇用、3千億円のR&D投資の元気なエコシステムです! 【オランダにおける半導体イノベーション・ロードショー】 ・10月25日(火)、14:30-18:00 ・ホテルオークラ東京 ・英和同時通訳付 ・対象者(日本の産学官関係者)に転送可 アジェンダ ・Peter van der Vliet、オランダ大使が開会挨拶 ・オランダ・日本の政府よりセミコン関連政策のご紹介 ・Holland Semiconductors 業界団体より、オランダのエコシステムのご紹介 ・各企業・研究所のセミコンR&Dのご紹介 ・ネットワーク・個別会談 Netherlands-Japan Roadshow INNOVATION IN SEMICONDUCTORS Opportunities for Collaboration Dear Esteemed Contact, Thank you for joining the Netherlands-Japan … Continue reading

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Successful event on Quantum-Photonics-Nano, 11 October 2022

We successfully concluded the Netherlands-Japan Roadshow Quantum-Photonics-Nanotechnology on Tuesday 11 October 2022, 13:45-17:30 at Hotel Okura in Tokyo. The power point slides are available if you send an e-mail to rob[@]hollandinnovation.jp. The rapid digital transition requires radical high-tech solutions to … Continue reading

Posted in Hightech Systems and Materials, Netherlands Innovation Network Tokyo Activities | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off

Quantum-Photonics-Nano Innovation Mission to Japan – 10 to 14 October 2022

The combination of quantum-photonics-nanotech (QPN) promises to revolutionize the modern world with next-generation technologies. In the week of 10 October 2022, the Netherlands Embassy in Japan and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) are organizing an innovation mission to Japan, with … Continue reading

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