Japan en Europa samen in cyber security

  Kikuo Hayakawa, NOST Tokyo

Origineel gepubliceerd op de site van Agentschap NL.


Op 2 december j.l. ondertekende het Japanse Control System Security Center CSSC) een overeenkomst met het European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS). ENCS is gevestigd in Den Haag. De overeenkomst gaat de samenwerking op het gebied van cyber security in de kritische infrastructuur, zoals bijvoorbeeld elektriciteitsnetwerken, versterken. Beide partijen zullen elkaar jaarlijks minstens een keer ontmoeten om activiteiten op het gebied van onderzoek en het testen van apparatuur en netwerken te vergelijken.


After a Dutch company Alliander, a core member of ENCS* visited CSSC** in Japan in June 2013, CSSC delegation visited ENCS in The Hague, the Netherlands to prepare for possible collaborations. The signing ceremony for the MoU took place after the ENCS Advanced Cyber Security Course in The Hague in November 2013. Five participants for the course from CSSC and The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), a member of CSSC, were present for the signing of the MoU. The MOU commits the two institutions to share knowledge and expertise related to cyber security for industrial control systems and critical infrastructures in Japan and Europe, collaborate on research and development projects, work together on testing activities, and jointly support workshops and training events. CSSC and ENCS are committed to meeting at least once per year as the need arises in Japan or Europe, based on the MoU. (1)


*) ENCS is a non-profit association of members whose mission is to improve the resilience of European critical infrastructures. With an initial focus on cyber security for the smart grid, ENCS conducts activities in research and development, monitoring, testing, and training. ENCS is based in The Hague, The Netherlands and collaborates with international partners in industry, academia, and government. (1)


**) CSSC is a non-profit, collaborative research association dedicated to strengthening the security of control systems for critical infrastructures, such as power and gas plants. The four task committees include research and testing, international standardization and certification, incident handling, and human resource development. Currently, 21 corporations, universities, and public research institutions are members of CSSC. The headquarter and testing facilities are located in the city of Tagajo and the research center is based in Tokyo. (3, 4)



1)       ENCS and CSSC Sign MOU to Strengthen Collaboration in Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructures

2)       European Network for Cyber Security

3)       Control System Security Center (CSSC)

4)       CSSC Promotion Movie

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