Noord-Brabant ondersteunt startups met Japan

Kikuo Hayakawa, NOST Tokyo (Innovatie Attaché Netwerk Tokio)

Origineel gepubliceerd op de site van RVO.

Op 27 januari 2015 ondertekende commissaris van de Koning Wim van der Donk en TEP-directeur Shingo Kokudo in ’s Hertogenbosch een samenwerkingsovereenkomst. Tot de samenwerking is besloten in de follow-up van de economische missie naar Japan in januari 2014. In de loop van 2015 zal Brabant opnieuw Japan bezoeken.


On January 27, the Province of Noord-Brabant and Japanese incubator Tx Entrepreneur Partners (TEP) agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate in support of high-tech startups in the Netherlands and Japan. TEP currently supports 117 high-tech startups in the region between the cities of Tokyo and Tsukuba. TEP cooperates with local governments and universities such as University of Tokyo and University of Tsukuba. TEP acknowledges that Brabant showcases promising high-tech institutes and organizations such as Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Tilburg, High Tech Campus Eindhoven, Brainport, Startupbootcamp HighTech XL. Supported by its public and private partners, both sides will look for possible collaborations for startups, such as incubation, investment and R&D, based on mutual benefits. Noord-Brabant is planning to organize a mission to Japan in September. Using this chance, Noord-Brabant aims to deepen its collaboration with TEP.

MOU signing ceremony

On January 27, the Province of Noord-Brabant and Japanese incubator Tx Entrepreneur Partners (TEP) agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate to support high-tech startups. The MoU was signed by King’s Commissioner Wim van de Donk and TEP’s chairman Shingo Kokudo in Noord-Brabant (Fig. 1, 2).

Together in support of international start-ups

TEP is a private association to support startups and it has started its activities since 2009. TEP currently supports 117 high-tech startups in the region between cities of Tokyo and Tsukuba, in cooperation with local governments and universities such as University of Tokyo and University of Tsukuba. In Brabant, there are promising high-tech institutes and organizations such as Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Tilburg, High Tech Campus Eindhoven, Brainport, Startupbootcamp HighTech XL. Supported by the related partners, the both sides will look to possible collaborations for startups, based on mutual benefits such as incubation, investment and R&D.

Mission to Japan

The delegation of Noord-Brabant, led by Wim van de Donk, visited Japan in spring 2014. Then, representatives from Noord-Brabant and TEP had an opportunity to discuss about possible open innovation and entrepreneurship at a roundtable meeting in Tokyo. After that, TEP invited a speaker from Noord-Brabant to give presentation at one of the opening events of a new incubation facility KOIL in Kashiwa City, Japan. KOIL was designed by TEP, Mitsui Real Estate Agency and the other stakeholders and it was made for startups to extend their business. Noord-Brabant is planning to organize a mission to Japan in September. Using this chance, Noord-Brabant aims to follow up possible events with TEP.


Figure 1. King’s Commissioner Wim van de Donk (right) and TEP’s chairman Shingo Kokudo (left) (source: The Province of Noord-Brabant)


Figure 2. Group photo at MoU ceremony (source: The Province of Noord-Brabant)


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