Matchmaking event for startups/scale ups with Japanese corporates and VCs

Announcement for Dutch startups and scale-ups: register for Innovation Leaders Summit (ILS)!

ILS is the largest annual open-innovation matching event of its kind in Asia and is being held Nov 20-Dec 18, 2024.

Over 3,000 business meetings were arranged and about 1,000 alliance deals were generated through its one-on-one meeting program, POWER MATCHING, with the participation of 110+ major corporations and 700+ startups each year.
Startups can participate in POWER MATCHING and VC MATCHING in person, online, or both. This will enable them to make their proposals directly to the executive officers and other key persons of major corporations and create new business opportunities with these companies.

See the file for more info: ILS 2024 Prospectus for Overseas Startups.

ILS 2024

<Schedule and important dates>

  1. If you are a startup or scale-up and interested to participating, please let us know filling out this form.

Once you have filled out the form by Sept 3, you are guaranteed to join, but you still need to complete your company information registration and purchase a participation package.

  1. After 26 Aug, 2024- ILS sends you the link to register yourself.
  2. Before Sept 17, 2024 11:59 am JST – You need to have purchased a Participation package and to have finalized the Company information registration -> This takes quite some time!!
  3. Sept 20- Oct 2, 2024 – You send meeting requests to corporates and VCs and register preferred meeting dates
  4. Oct 29- Nov 1, 2024 – you respond to meeting requests from corporates and VCs
  5. Nov 8-18, 2024 – Announcement of the meeting schedules
    – Nov 20–27 – online
    – Dec 2-5 – face-to-face in Tokyo
    – Dec 9–18 – online

Free Japanese-English Interpretation Available for all: Slots for POWER MATCHING business meetings including an interpreter are available at ILS2024. Startups that are indicating they would like to hold a business meeting in English when they register for POWER MATCHING will be able to make use of this service at no extra cost.

Participate in person or online: ILS2024 will be a full-scale face-to-face event. Overseas startups can choose to participate in business meetings in person, online or both.

Industry-Specific Networking Sessions: Startups can join in networking sessions split up according to the industry field, such as renewable energy and digital health. Two to three sessions will be held per day during the event. Major companies will have booths set up in this session, allowing startups to directly contact companies they are interested in.

Overseas Startup & Organization Welcome Party: The Overseas Startup & Organization Welcome Party, which has been a great success with over 300 participants at the ILS2023, will be held at ILS2024 as well. Numerous major Japanese corporations will be invited to this party, allowing an excellent opportunity to network with a wide range of potential partners.

For any further questions, you can email:

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