Invitation – 1st online information session for HTDX Track Osaka Expo

Invitation – 1st online information session
Mission to Japan on Hightech and Digitalization
18-28 May 2025
on the occasion of the Osaka Expo 2025


Dear Esteemed Contact,

You are cordially invited to an online information session on Thursday 11 July 2024 for the upcoming Mission to Japan on Hightech and Digitalization (HTDX) on the occasion of the Osaka Expo 2025.


  • Opening
  • Overview Osaka expo and 5 topical tracks
  • Specifics of the Hightech and Digitalization (HTDX) track
    – HT: Semiconductors, quantum technology, photonics
    – DX: AI & data and Beyond 5G/6G
  • Q&A
  • Closing

We will share backgrounds, objectives and plans for a high-level HTDX Mission in the week of 18-28 May 2025, including network events at the Expo and in Osaka, as well as site visits to the Tokyo and Osaka areas.

Target audience:

Professionals in the Hightech and Digitalization fields from Netherlands government, companies and knowledge institutes, related to the topics of deeptech (semiconductors, quantum technology, photonics), AI, Data, and beyond 5G/6G.


Thursday 11 Juli 2024, 9:00-10:00 Dutch time


To join the online information session on July 11, please fill in this link. A few days in advance of the session we will send you an MS Teams link to participate. For questions, please contact Linso van der Burg, Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo (


This event is organized jointly by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Enterprise Agency RVO, Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo and Consulate General in Osaka, High Tech NL, Quantum Delta NL, Photon Delta, NXTGEN Hightech, BOM, Brainport, Topsector ICT and AI Coalition.


The global society is digitalizing at a rapid pace and fast developments in the field of high-tech are taking place. Moreover, the contemporary world is facing many upcoming challenges, which ask for innovative solutions. The Dutch spirit of innovation arises on the opportunities of cooperation. A lot of common ground is found with our partners in Japan: just like us, Japan has an open economy and is a leader in high-tech, societal challenges are similar, such as labour shortages, an ageing population, carbon emissions and reliable supply chains. Recent Japanese government policies are stimulating international collaboration which offer many opportunities. By working together, we can contribute to our mutual ambitions and uphold technological leadership.


To realize digitalization and green transition, enabling technologies are necessary. That is why high-tech, and digitalization perfectly go together in our track. The high-tech domain mainly focuses on advanced semiconductors, photonics, nano- and quantum technology. The digitalization domain is mainly aimed at artificial intelligence (AI), 5G/6G, smart cities and infrastructure maintenance. The Netherlands and Japan are complementary in many ways on these subjects and both governments are investing billions in further innovation. Furthermore, the Netherlands can benefit from the increasing Japanese attention to the application side of semiconductors, including investments in R&D, open innovation, and international collaboration. The willingness to collaborate is evident, shown by the participation of over 50 organizations from the Netherlands participating in NL-JP activities in Japan last year! Several partnerships already have begun. A special partnership is the cooperation between ASML and Rapidus to realize advanced chips for high-end products in electronics and automotive, two vital sectors in the Japanese economy.

Looking forward to meeting you online!


Eric van Kooij
Counsellor for Innovation, Science and Technology
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

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