Nanotech verbindt het Japanse NIMS en NanoNextNL

  Kikuo Hayakawa, NOST Tokyo

Origineel gepubliceerd op de site van Agentschap NL.


In oktober 2013 heeft het Japanse National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) een overeenkomst (MOU) gesloten met NanoNextNL in Nederland. Het doel is samenwerking te bevorderen op terreinen waar Japan en Nederland nu actief zijn. In januari 2014 gaan NIMS en NanoNextNL in Tokio de eerste gezamenlijke workshop houden, als eerste stap naar verdere samenwerking.


A MoU has been signed between NanoNextNL* and Japan’s NIMS** in October 2013 aiming to pursue collaboration in fields of mutual activities in the nanotechnology area. (1,2) The MOU was prepared following building on contacts established during several visits and meetings in recent years. In December 2012, NIMS’ vice president Dr. Sone attended as an invited speaker the MicroNano Conference in the Netherlands. Early this year a NanoNextNL delegation headed by vice president professor Van Keulen and business director Mr. Koster visited NIMS and in turn received a NIMS delegation headed by professor Ushioda and Dr. Nagakawa at the NanoNextNL booth during the Nano Tech 2013 exhibition. Based on the MoU, NIMS and NanoNextNL will organize the first NL-Japan workshop in January in Tokyo, during the Tokyo’s nanotechnology exhibition, Nanotech 2014. (3) The workshop will be joined by the mutual representatives who are active in the hot spot areas. The following exchange of researchers is foreseen for 2014.


*) NanoNextNL is a consortium of more than one hundred Dutch companies, universities, knowledge institutes and university medical centers, which is aimed at industry driven research into micro and nanotechnology. The total investment involved for NanoNextNL in the period 2010-2016 is 250 million euros, half of which is contributed by the Government of the Netherlands.


**) NIMS is the National Institute for Materials Science of Japan which has the mission to carry out fundamental and generic/infrastructural technology oriented research and development in the field of materials science, to improve the national level of materials science and technology. NIMS leads the research of material science


Fig 1. Representatives of NIMS and NanoNextNL at Holland High Tech booth, Nanotech 2013 in Tokyo (source: NanoNextNL)



1)       National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) press release

2)       NanoNextNL press release

3)       Nano Tech 2014 Tokyo

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